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a€?Survival at schoola€? is what Alexander Wanga€?s Fall Winter Chloe Replica Handbags 2014 Ad Campaign is about . Alexander Wang remembered the details when he went to the boarding school for five long years. Today, the experience is still vivid the smells and the images.

Five super models Anna Ewers, Katlin Aas, Kat Hessen, Lexi Boling and Vanessa Moody were invited to the shoot, and Steven Klein was in charge for capturing the images.

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The theme is simple: survive, rebel and challenge yourself to be alive. The girls are in the middle of the reformation camp, the strict environment give them the temptation to break the rules. They are wearing mini dresses, winter coats, tricot jumpers.

New bags are also included a€“ take a look at the round shaped survival Replica Bags. The front is embellished with two pockets, one for your phone and the other for your wallet. It also featured a long shoulder bag, with numerous of wallets attached from one to another. Ita€?s certainly ideal for city travel, but you would bet on it?