Luxury Dior Replica Handbags For Sale Online
Looks like Dior is flying high with its latest Dior replica handbags. Wea€?ve featured the Dior Connect Tote a few days back and we know that ita€?s a must fashion staple but wea€?re giving you another twist to this bag obsession for the Dior Connect also comes in a duffel bag! Yes, you read that one right there.
First off, the Dior Connect Tote Bag is making a great connection among the bag fanatics for it looks refreshingly new. Yes, ita€?s like a breath of fresh air and might be the newest summer bag of 2016. It is an open tote bag that also includes a small pouch which is perfect for stowing your makeup essentials.
The Dior Connect Duffel Bag on the other hand is a cute bag to own! It looks compact enough to hold your daily essentials.
And oh, did we mention that both replica bags a€?are made of thick leather with suede interior? Wait, they also feature the most coveted DIOR charms.
The tote bag is priced $4300 USD while the duffel bag is priced $3700 USD via Dior boutique